Eklavya is a non-profit, non-government organisation that develops and field tests innovative educational programmes and trains resource people to implement these programmes. It functions through a network of education resource centres located in Madhya Pradesh.
For over four decades, Eklavya has sought to relate the content and pedagogy of education – both formal and non-formal - to social change and the all-round development of the learner.
It evolves learner-centred teaching methodologies that foster problem-solving skills in children and encourage them to ask questions about their natural and social environment. This approach helps children become life-long self-learners.
Eklavya looks at innovation holistically, which means that reforms in classroom practices are accompanied by reforms in examination systems, teacher training methods and the way schools are managed. It also means that learning spaces are extended beyond the school into the community.
Eklavya has built up an extensive base of resource materials that includes educational literature, children's literature, magazines, textbooks and other learning aids.
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